Nov 9th,2017


400m Run

20 Pullups

20 Pushpress 95/65

400m Run

20 Thrusters 95/65

20 Burpees

400m Run



Nov 8th,2017


Front Squat


Front Squat

Strength Day! Front Squat to be specific. This will set everyone up nicely for the Fitness Testing Workout ‘Pain Optional’ at the end of the month. It will give them a good idea where they are at with their submaximal loads and they should be able to have a better idea of what they are capable of for a workout with heavy Front Squats.


Nov 3rd, 2017


1RM Clean and Jerk

1 Mile Run


1RM Clean and Jerk

1 Mile Run

We use the Clean and Jerk in our Fitness Testing because we think that the rate of improvement for the Clean and Jerk is a little faster than the Snatch (from what we have seen). People tend to plateau in their Snatch due to the highly technical demand of the lift and newbies generally can’t get under a lot of load due to a range of potential obstacles. We still think testing the Snatch is important, we just don’t use it in our annual strength testing.

The 1 mile run is such a painful distance! People are forced to work right around that anaerobic/aerobic threshold, making it a battle between wanting to slow down because of the pain, or being able to maintain a good pace for the whole 1 mile and pushing through that discomfort. This differs to a CrossFit workout where you have more of an option to rest between movements or rounds.

Also this week:

Yoga on Saturday at 8 am

Community workout at 930am

Wurstfest also starts this weekend.

Lastly,We are  hosting a USAW weightlifting Certification this weekend so if you see them this weekend say HI.

Also, Bring in your Sweater to be screen printed by next Wednesday. (Cost is $12) See sheet by Chalkboard

Nov 2nd, 2017

Workout of the Day


50 Double Unders
25 Box Jumps (24/20″)
12 Step Up and Overs (45/25lbs)
5 Rounds


75 Single Unders
30 Step Ups
15 Weighted Walking Lunges
5 Rounds

Good news everyone! Today we are giving those shoulders a little break from going overhead. They still need to use them to stabilise and hold the Dumbbells, but the load is light and everyone should be fine with it. The purpose of the workout is to get the body moving out some of that junky soreness that has probably crept in over the last week or so, get their lungs working, and push those legs to a little overloading. Nothing should be overly challenging for anyone, and if it is, go ahead and scale it right back so it isn’t. The legs are going to get a little fired up for sure, so, make sure they are warm, fired up and ready to jump and step up.

We would like to encourage a jump up/step down approach for the Box Jumps, unless people are seasoned rebounders. The combination of the Double Unders, Box Jumps and Step Ups is a good amount of volume of ballistic movement through the lower leg, so make sure people look after them.

Yoga on Saturday at 8 am

Community workout at 930am

Wurstfest also starts this weekend.

Lastly,We are  hosting a USAW weightlifting Certification this weekend so if you see them this weekend say HI.

Also, Bring in your Sweater to be screen printed by next Wednesday. (Cost is $12) See sheet by Chalkboard

Oct 30th, 2017

Workout of the Day.


Assault Bike 50/40cals
30 Cluster (135/95lbs)
Run 800m
15min +
25 Squat Clean (135/95lbs)


Assault Bike 30/20cals
30 Power Clean and Push Press
Run 800m
15min +
25 DB Squat Clean


The last EMOM Monday for the month! t is a great mix of monostructural and moderate loading using a work/rest protocol. Lots of pulling, so make sure you don’t hang on to that barbell any longer than they need to!

For the first 3 sections, you have 5min to get each movement done. You get to rest the remaining time left in those 5min sections. For the last section, the 25 Squat Cleans, You have as long as it takes. However, ideally it shouldn’t take longer than 5min, But you may be a little fatigued from the previous movements AND 25 Squat Cleans is spicy no matter where they are programmed!

Also this week.

Yoga on Tuesday at 7:30 pm

Running club on Wednesday at 5:45 pm

Yoga on Saturday at 8 am

Community workout at 930am

We are also hosting a USAW weightlifting Certification this weekend so if you see them this weekend say HI.

Also, Bring in your Sweater to be screen printed by next Wednesday. (Cost is $12)


Oct 27th, 2017

Workout of the Day


6 Strict HSPU
6 1 MB Clean + 1 MB Front Squat
5 Rounds

6 1 Front Squat + 1 Wall Ball
5 Rounds


6 Press
6 1 MB Clean + 1 MB Front Squat
5 Rounds

6 Press
6 1 Front Squat + 1 Wall Ball
5 Rounds

We have never done the little MB Complexes that we have written before in a Workout. Warmups, yes. It’s a great way to get some extra Squats in without having to perform too many Cleans or Wall Balls. (You are welcome) Squats are faster and are slightly less taxing mentally and physically than the other two movements. Also, it’s something different and fun. 🙂 How it works: 1 rep = 1 MB Clean + 1 Front Squat. Perform that 6 times per each round. Same with the second Couplet. So, essentially it is 2 reps for every 1 rep.


Oct 26th, 2017

Workout of the Day

5min AMRAP Burpee
3min Hold at the bottom position in Ring Row
rest 2min
5min AMRAP meters Row
3min Plank

We love the setup of this workout. We know how hard Static Holds can be, which is why we don’t program them all that often (probably more than most though! Sorry :-)). Usually, people will come down from a hold mentally before they physically fail, we get it, they are brutal!  But to help out we made it into a game. The rep deduction penalty Game!!! Each time they come down from the Hang, they take 3 reps of Burpee score and each time they come down from the Hold, they take 100m off Row score. So fight for your right to party and hang in there. This is a spicy one.

Oct 25th, 2017

Workout of the Day


Split Squat


Split Squat


With two longer more metabolic workouts this week, we are focusing today on lifting only. The split squat is a lunge performed in sequence with 2 reps on one leg and then 2 reps for performed on the other leg, so a total of 4 reps. The athlete steps forward and out, taking a squat width with the feet, front shin angle is vertical and the back knee makes contact with the ground. The athlete locks both knees back out to the top of the lunge without stepping back in line, and then performs another split squat by dropping the back knee down to the ground again, and then locking out. Once this is complete, the athlete steps the feet back together and switches sides, performing the same sequence on the other leg. Athletes can choose which leg they start with, oftentimes choosing the weaker leg to start as the midline is fresher at the start of a set rather than at the end.

Take your time and make these pretty.

Oct 24th,2017

Workout of the Day:


14 Parallette Passthroughs
7 Shoulder Press (95/65lbs)
14 Back Squat
7 Burpee Box Jump (24/20”)
5 Rounds


14 Passthroughs
7 Shoulder Press
14 Back Squat
7 Burpee Box Step Up
4 Rounds

After yesterday’s interval style workout, today we are performing 5 rounds of a workout mixed with gymnastics and weightlifting. Athletes will perform Parallette Passthroughs to start and then progress to a Shoulder Press with a barbell, where the idea is to transition from the last press straight into the 3rd movement, which is a Back Squat, and athletes will be squatting the same bar that they just pressed. Once they finish their squats, they progress onto a Burpee Box Jump which adds another plane of a pressing movement with a bit of a heart rate intensifier.

Should be a fun one.


Oct 23rd, 2017


Odd minute: 3 Power Snatch (135/95lbs)
Even minute: 200m Run
12 minutes (6 rounds)


Odd minute: 5 Power Snatch
Even minute: 150m Run
12 minutes (6 rounds)

This is an alternating EMOM coupling up a moderate to heavy barbell load mixed in with running on the opposite minutes. At the beginning of the workout, perform 3 or 5 power snatches. This should be a challenging load where you have to perform 3 singles with good technique and can’t touch & go. Ideally, the snatches are taking no longer than 30 seconds. You can get a good chance to rest here as their next minute if  you are running 200m, and for most of you that will likely take almost the whole minute.Rest the remainder of what you have of the minute after you complete the 200m, which will likely be seconds after you get back to their barbell, and then go into another 3 power snatches. There are 6 rounds total of each movement.

A power snatch is anything caught parallel or above. As these power snatches are heavy, we want to encourage you to sit underneath the bar rather than jump their feet out to get underneath the load. In order to reinforce this muscle pathway, we are going to program some snatch balances into the session which will reinforce speed and position under the bar. Snatch balances will be done to full depth, but workout will be performed as power. Make sure you are taking advantage of this skill work!