In this weeks blog post I would like to draw a comparison between two classic Greek mythology stories and d our path in physical education.

milo- little bit better every day

Sisyphus- heavy and hard all the time

Nov 7th, 2017


‘The Fast and the Furious’
15 Burpees
400m Run
15 Pullups
3 Rounds


‘The Fast and the Furious’
15 Burpees
400m Run
15 Jumping Pullups
3 Rounds

The goal is to try do everything as unbroken as possible. For those people on the cusp of being able to do big Pullup sets, have you break them up into smaller sets and have less rest. This will help you mentally be able to get over the hurdle of having 15-20 per set. If people are in this situation, brief to them that they need to go fast on the Burpees and Pullups to make up for time lost in the Pullups.


Yoga tonight and Bring your sweaters in for BYOS ( Bring your own swag) Deadline is TOMMORROW!


Nov 6th, 2017

“The Chief”

3 Power Cleans (135/95lbs)
6 Pushups
9 Squats
AMRAP 3min
Rest 1 minute
5 Rounds


2 Power Cleans
4 Pushups
6 Squats
AMRAP 3min
Rest 1 minute
5 Rounds

We realised we have never programmed ‘The Chief’ before! We are not sure why, as it is so great! It was also a request, and we were happy to oblige. ? It is a total of 15min of work made up of work/rest intervals. The 3min intervals are just short enough for the intensity to remain relatively high across the whole time, and the 1min rest, just enough for them to get their heart rate down and go again. The movements are simple, pull, squat, press, and the loading is moderate. On paper it looks pretty harmless, but don’t underestimate how spicy those last two rounds will get.

Also this week:

Yoga on Saturday at 8 am

Community workout at 930am

Wurstfest going on all week.

Also, Bring in your Sweater to be screen printed by this Wednesday. (Cost is $12) See sheet by Chalkboard

Nov 1st, 2017

Workout of the Day


5 BB Push Press
6 Toes to Bar
7 Thruster (75/55lbs)
EMOM for as long as


6 BB Push Press
6 Situp
6 Thruster (45/35lbs)
EMOM for as long as

Ok, everyone, this is a fun one. The intention was to make it really challenging for everyone from round 1. There is a huge psychological component in this workout. It is the little voice in people’s heads that tell them they have had enough. This is what we want to push through to see where it takes everyone. Aside from that, the strength endurance test specifically in their shoulders is the main challenge; then, as the rounds progress, their aerobic capacity will also be tested.

Buckle up.

Also this week.

Running club tonight at 5:45 pm

Yoga on Saturday at 8 am

Community workout at 930am

Wurstfest also starts this weekend.

Lastly,We are  hosting a USAW weightlifting Certification this weekend so if you see them this weekend say HI.

Also, Bring in your Sweater to be screen printed by next Wednesday. (Cost is $12) See sheet by Chalkboard

Oct 31st, 2017 HALLOWEEN.

Workout of the Day


Halloween Partner WOD
Zombie Vs Humans
Min 1: Zombie performs AMRAP
Human watches
Min 2: Zombie tries to catch Human
in 100m Sprint.
Min 3-5: Human performs 10 Burpees
if they were caught, otherwise both rest
Switch – Zombie becomes Human and
Human becomes Zombie

repeat with:
Jumping Lunges (reps)
Rowing (metres)


Halloween Partner WOD
Zombie Vs Humans
Min 1: Zombie performs AMRAP
Ring Rows
Human watches
Min 2: Zombie tries to catch Human
in 100m Sprint.
Min 3-5: Human performs 10 Burpees
if they were caught, otherwise both rest
Switch – Zombie becomes Human and
Human becomes Zombie

repeat with:
Lunges (reps)
Rowing (metres)

WOD Design and Logistics

Ok ok, one more day of EMOMS! Happy Halloween! We love using this workout on Halloween so we bring it back every year! It’s not really a true EMOM.. This Workout is made even better when done in Halloween Costume ? If you don’t celebrate Halloween in the traditional sense, no worries, think of it as a fun mid week partner workout! You will be thankful for that after yesterday’s workout ?

To clarify how the Workout Works: Partner 1 (Zombie) performs as many Pullups as possible in the first minute, while Partner 2 (Human) waits. As soon as the minute is done, they both run 100m as fast as possible. The Human will have the advantage because they are fresh and they were waiting at the door for the minute to end. This will mean the Zombie will need to run a little harder to catch them. IF they catch them (finish the run first), then when the third minute begins the Human performs the 10 Burpees the owe while the Zombie rests. If they didn’t catch them, then both people rest until the 5min mark. They then switch positions and Partner 2 now becomes the Zombie and performs the Pullups, while Partner 1 is the Human and waits until the minute is up and then they repeat the whole running part again.

The next round is repeated with Jumping Lunges and the third round is repeated with Rowing. So basically, every 5min a new round starts and every 10min a new movement starts. There will be a total of 6 x 100m Sprints performed for each Person.

For the Jumping Lunges, every Jump = 1 rep. Ideally, your back knee should graze the ground each rep, but make sure you aren’t crashing down and bouncing off their knees to get out of that position. If people are not able to do ballistic lunges for whatever reason, you can do step back lunges.




Also this week.

Yoga Today at 7:30 pm

Running club Tomarrow at 5:45 pm

Yoga on Saturday at 8 am

Community workout at 930am

We are also hosting a USAW weightlifting Certification this weekend so if you see them this weekend say HI.

Also, Bring in your Sweater to be screen printed by next Wednesday. (Cost is $12)

Oct 20th, 2017


3 Rnds Cindy
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
2 Rnds Nancy
400m Run
15 OH Squats (95/65lbs)
1 Rnd Eva
800m Run
30 KB Swings (32/24kgs)
30 Pullups


3 Rnds Cindy
5 Jumping Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
2 Rnds Nancy
400m Run
15 OH Squats
1 Rnd Eva
800m Run
20 KB Swings
30 Jumping Pullups

Its the end of the week and we have a fun remix ( WHHAHAHT REMIX insert rap horn here) of 3 traditional benchmark workouts! This mashup features 3 rounds of Cindy to start out — try to go as close to Rxd as possible on this version since there’s only 3 rounds total and not a lot of volume. Challenge yourself to try a version harder than they normally do if you scale! After the 3rd round of Cindy, you will head out the door for 2 rounds of Nancy, and then after the last OHS, you  go back out the door again for one final round of Eva. For for OHS of Nancy, it is permissible to Squat Snatch as the first rep or Power Snatch into OHS – whatever you prefer. There is no break between the girl workouts as this is a continuous effort.


Oct 19th, 2017





After a fair amount of conditioning and mixed intensities this week, we are going to try a single modality strength session today: the Deadlift. There are 4 total work sets, with the scheme increasing in reps as you go. The first set is a heavy single.The main focus of the day isn’t the heavy single, however, you will have ample time to warm up to a maximal weight. From there, we will have percentage guidelines to finish out the remaining sets with, based off of the 1 rep you hit today. If these sets are done right and at the proper loading, you should be resting 3-5 minutes between working sets and should feel as though you  are going max effort. This is a slippery slope with the Deadlifting movement, so as always, emphasize position over weight lifted and modify rep percentages if you are having trouble.

And as always, on a lifting day, the best part of the class is lifting with a friend and encouraging others. Go go ahead and partner up and cheer each other on. Get excited if someone is going for a PR and make this about the community!