After a fair amount of conditioning and mixed intensities this week, we are going to try a single modality strength session today: the Deadlift. There are 4 total work sets, with the scheme increasing in reps as you go. The first set is a heavy single.The main focus of the day isn’t the heavy single, however, you will have ample time to warm up to a maximal weight. From there, we will have percentage guidelines to finish out the remaining sets with, based off of the 1 rep you hit today. If these sets are done right and at the proper loading, you should be resting 3-5 minutes between working sets and should feel as though you are going max effort. This is a slippery slope with the Deadlifting movement, so as always, emphasize position over weight lifted and modify rep percentages if you are having trouble.
And as always, on a lifting day, the best part of the class is lifting with a friend and encouraging others. Go go ahead and partner up and cheer each other on. Get excited if someone is going for a PR and make this about the community!