Oct 20th, 2017


3 Rnds Cindy
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
2 Rnds Nancy
400m Run
15 OH Squats (95/65lbs)
1 Rnd Eva
800m Run
30 KB Swings (32/24kgs)
30 Pullups


3 Rnds Cindy
5 Jumping Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
2 Rnds Nancy
400m Run
15 OH Squats
1 Rnd Eva
800m Run
20 KB Swings
30 Jumping Pullups

Its the end of the week and we have a fun remix ( WHHAHAHT REMIX insert rap horn here) of 3 traditional benchmark workouts! This mashup features 3 rounds of Cindy to start out — try to go as close to Rxd as possible on this version since there’s only 3 rounds total and not a lot of volume. Challenge yourself to try a version harder than they normally do if you scale! After the 3rd round of Cindy, you will head out the door for 2 rounds of Nancy, and then after the last OHS, you  go back out the door again for one final round of Eva. For for OHS of Nancy, it is permissible to Squat Snatch as the first rep or Power Snatch into OHS – whatever you prefer. There is no break between the girl workouts as this is a continuous effort.


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