Oct 23rd, 2017


Odd minute: 3 Power Snatch (135/95lbs)
Even minute: 200m Run
12 minutes (6 rounds)


Odd minute: 5 Power Snatch
Even minute: 150m Run
12 minutes (6 rounds)

This is an alternating EMOM coupling up a moderate to heavy barbell load mixed in with running on the opposite minutes. At the beginning of the workout, perform 3 or 5 power snatches. This should be a challenging load where you have to perform 3 singles with good technique and can’t touch & go. Ideally, the snatches are taking no longer than 30 seconds. You can get a good chance to rest here as their next minute if  you are running 200m, and for most of you that will likely take almost the whole minute.Rest the remainder of what you have of the minute after you complete the 200m, which will likely be seconds after you get back to their barbell, and then go into another 3 power snatches. There are 6 rounds total of each movement.

A power snatch is anything caught parallel or above. As these power snatches are heavy, we want to encourage you to sit underneath the bar rather than jump their feet out to get underneath the load. In order to reinforce this muscle pathway, we are going to program some snatch balances into the session which will reinforce speed and position under the bar. Snatch balances will be done to full depth, but workout will be performed as power. Make sure you are taking advantage of this skill work!


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