10 Shuttle Sprints
40 Single Unders
AMRAP 10min
10 Pike Pushups
10 Shuttle Sprints
30 Single Unders
AMRAP 10min
We wanted a simple triplet for today that included some running. We haven’t done Shuttle Runs in a while, so we decided to include them, along with Single Unders, which if you have done any large amount of these before get the calves going quite nicely! The amount of reps for each movement are just enough to be slightly uncomfortable by the end of the set, and then they are done and can move on to the next movement. This means they are able to keep their intensity relatively high for the 10min. As you can tell, we wanted to include one high skill gymnastic movements and two low skill highly metabolic movements and NO barbell.
Also this week. See the Facebook events page for more details.
Yoga on Tuesday at 7:30pm.
Running Club on Wednesday at 5:45pm.
Yoga on Saturday Morning at 8am.
FREE Community Workout on Saturday at 9:30am.