Oct 18th, 2017



500m Row
20 Wall Ball (20/14lbs)
40 Mountain Climbers
AMRAP 15min


500m Row
15 Wall Ball
30 Mountain Climbers
AMRAP 15min

This is fun little lung burner!

Row: We would like everyone to complete the full 500m on the row today; however, if the row takes anyone longer than 3 minutes, have them perform a maximum of 2:30 and then move on.

Wall Balls: first scale by weight and keep the same height and rep range, then scale by reps, then by target height.

Mountain Climbers: these are performed on the ground with knees coming up to the chest alternating and then returning back out to a plank position. If athletes need to take more than 3-4 breaks per set, scale the number of Mountain Climbers first. Then scale the movement by having athletes perform it on an incline (like a Bench Push Up) where their body is angled off of the ground. Another way to scale this movement would be to bring the knees up not quite as high, but try to avoid this as we want athletes to practice as full of ROM of the hip joint as possible.

Quality over quanity.

Oct 17th, 2017


30 Over the Barbell Lateral Jumps
15 Front Squat (95/65lbs)
3 Rounds


30 Over the Barbell Hops
15 Front Squat
3 Rounds

After yesterday’s gymnastic and shoulder bonanza, today we are giving our arms a rest and doing quite a bit of jumping and going below parallel! This workout is 3 rounds for time as athletes are to jump laterally over their barbell (with plates on it) 30 times to start the workout. Jumping over the bar from one side to the other is considered one rep. After athletes complete their jumps, they are to perform 15 front squats with the bar they just jumped over. The barbell weight should be a light weight that they can perform all 15 reps unbroken with. It is permissible for athletes to perform a Squat Clean as their first Front Squat rep. Legs and lungs should be burning during this fast, quick burner with the goal of being non-stop unbroken movement.




Oct 16th,2017


4 Strict Pullup
4 Strict Ring Dip
EMOM 4min
4 Chest to bar Pull up
EMOM 4min
5 Wall Climbs
EMOM 4min
6 Toes to Bar
6 Ring Pushup
EMOM 4min


4 Hard Ring Rows
4 Hard Box Dips
EMOM 4min
8 Jumping Chest to bar pull ups
EMOM 4min
3 Wall Climbs
EMOM 4min
6 Hanging Leg Raises
6 Pushup
EMOM 4min


The theme of this workout is working gymnastic movement under fatigue. Ideally, every athlete is performing 30 seconds of work to 30 seconds of rest, a minimum of 20 seconds of rest per round since there is no break between EMOMs — this workout is a continuous 16 minutes of work! Reinforce better positions than squeaking out more reps with questionable ROM or execution.

October 13th

FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH ( oooooh spooky! )


30sec DB Single Arm Carry
30sec DB Suitcase Deadlift (right)
30sec Hip Extensions
30sec Superman Hold
30sec DB Suitcase Deadlift (left)
30sec DB Single Arm Carry
1min rest
4 Rounds
55/35lb Dumbbells


30sec DB Single Arm Carry
30sec DB Suitcase Deadlift (right)
30sec Hip Extensions
30sec Superman Hold
30sec DB Suitcase Deadlift (left)
30sec DB Single Arm Carry
1min rest
4 Rounds

It’s Friday the 13th!!! So, we thought we better use some more Dumbbells :-). Yup. It’s ok, everyone will be fine. ? The two dumbbell movements are light – moderate and we have included a carry because they are awesome and awkward and they challenge our stabilisers, grip strength and posture, especially the single armed variation!

It’ll be fun!


Yoga on Saturday Morning at 8am.

FREE Community Workout on Saturday at 9:30am.

October 12th


1000m Row
30 Russian twists with MB (20/14lbs)
15 Turkish Get Ups (55/35lbs)


1000m Row
30 Russian twists with MB
10 Turkish Get Ups

(Bonus Sprints after workout.)

Today we switching things up a bit. No Barbell, no heavy loads, and a long-ish Row to kick the Workout off. We wanted a sub 10min Workout today with minimal loading and something monostructural included. We ran a few days ago, so today we are Rowing. People will most likely be a little sore and neurologically fatigued from the past few days if they have worked out three days in a row.

Also this week. See the Facebook events page for more details.

Yoga on Saturday Morning at 8am.

FREE Community Workout on Saturday at 9:30am.

October 11th


10 Squat Clean (155/115lbs)
10 Hang Squat Clean (135/95lbs)
10 Squat Snatch (115/75lbs)
10 Hang Squat Snatch (95/65lbs)
10 Squat Snatch (155/115lbs)
10 Hang Squat Clean (135/95lbs)
10 Squat Clean (155/115lbs)


Front Squat
Hang Power Clean
Power Snatch
Hang Power Snatch

If you like lots of barbell movements in one workout, this one is fun in a weird, sadistic kind of way. Otherwise, it is kind of miserable. ? We played around a lot with the loading and the movements. We discussed having squat movements sandwiched between power movements, but decided we wanted only Squatting movements. After doing the workout, it isn’t your legs that fatigue the most, it is your shoulders and lung capacity. And, after the last two days, everyone’s shoulders should be nice and warm. ? With regards to the loading, we want it to be heavy enough that is messes with their heads, but not so heavy that they are in danger of failing reps. We initially had the Rxd loads a little heavier, but after trialling it at different loads (No, we didn’t do it twice!! Different people did different loads), the stimulus we wanted occured with the loading as it is currently written. It tests both strength endurance and cardiorespiratory capacity, but mostly, psychological tolerance to discomfort. Buckle up!


Also this week. See the Facebook events page for more details.

Running Club on  Tonight at 5:45pm.

Yoga on Saturday Morning at 8am.

FREE Community Workout on Saturday at 9:30am.

October 10th


10 Shuttle Sprints
40 Single Unders
AMRAP 10min


10 Pike Pushups
10 Shuttle Sprints
30 Single Unders
AMRAP 10min

We wanted a simple triplet for today that included some running. We haven’t done Shuttle Runs in a while, so we decided to include them, along with Single Unders, which if you have done any large amount of these before get the calves going quite nicely! The amount of reps for each movement are just enough to be slightly uncomfortable by the end of the set, and then they are done and can move on to the next movement. This means they are able to keep their intensity relatively high for the 10min. As you can tell, we wanted to include one high skill gymnastic movements and two low skill highly metabolic movements and NO barbell.


Also this week. See the Facebook events page for more details.

Yoga on Tuesday at 7:30pm.

Running Club on Wednesday at 5:45pm.

Yoga on Saturday Morning at 8am.

FREE Community Workout on Saturday at 9:30am.

October 9th


3 OH Squat @ 80%
EMOM for 5min
rest 2min
5 OH Squat @ 70%
EMOM for 5min
rest 2min
7 OH Squat @ 60%
EMOM for 5min


3 OH Squat
Every 90sec for 4 rounds
rest 2.5min
5 OH Squat
Every 90sec for 4 rounds
rest 2.5min
7 OH Squat
Every 90sec for 4 rounds


A heavy-ish day with a slight twist. Single Modality Workout today for our EMOM Monday, and the movement is an Overhead Squat. Every 5min the reps increase by a couple and the load decreases by 10%. So, for the first 5min, every minute they perform 3 reps at (roughly) 80% of their 1RM. Then, they rest 2min, or more likely spend that time getting the weight down to the next load, and they repeat the EMOM, but this time with 5 OH Squats each minute, and so on. It is a total of 75 OH Squats at moderate – heavy loads, so people should make sure they take it seriously ?
We want those first 5min to be pretty heavy, which is why there are only 3 reps each minute. Then, as they start to fatigue in the second and third sets of 5min, the focus is less about the loading and more about strength endurance.

Also this week. See the Facebook events page for more details.

Yoga on Tuesday at 7:30pm.

Running Club on Wednesday at 5:45pm.

Yoga on Saturday Morning at 8am.

FREE Community Workout on Saturday at 9:30am.

October 6th


40 Double Unders
20 DB Single Arm Power Snatch (right arm)
40 Double Unders
20 DB Single Arm Push Press (right arm)
40 Double Unders
40 DB Slams
40 Burpees
40 Double Unders
20 DB Single Arm Push Press (left arm)
40 Double Under
20 DB Single Arm Power Snatch (left arm)
45/25lb Dumbbells


50 Single Unders
20 DB Single Arm Power Snatch (right arm)
50 Single Unders
20 DB Single Arm Push Press (right arm)
50 Single Unders
20 DB Slams
20 Burpees
50 Single Unders
20 DB Single Arm Push Press (left arm)
50 Single Unders
20 DB Single Arm Power Snatch (left arm)

The Weekend is here! Which means a long, light gymnastics workout! How is everyone feeling? The neuromuscular system has had quite a big dose the last few days. So, today is about getting the body moving a little quicker with some light load and their bodyweight. We wouldn’t classify it as an active recovery session, because it is still going to get pretty nasty for most, but you could brief it as that if people are willing to take it easy and just go through the motions.