8 Week Challenge

Starting off can be intimidating for many and that's why we have a guided intro experience for you.

8 Week Challenge

Let me gets the details.
Nutrition and exercise are key ingredients for how you look and feel, and how you are able to perform in your day to day life. No matter if you’re just starting out, or you want to shake up your routine and keep progressing, the 8 Week Challenge program is for you.

What Can I Expect????

  • build physical strength and speed
  • improve your endurance so you can do the things you want without feeling winded or tired
  • increase your confidence and comfort in your skin
  • incorporate lifestyle habits that will sustain your results over time.

The Challenge has everything you need to get results:

  • weekly workouts sessions with a mix of strength and cardio
  • demo videos to help you nail proper form
  • a guide to eating for fat loss
  • a complete shopping list
  • simple meal planning template, and
  • a ton of healthy recipes and snack ideas
  • help to make healthy choices at restaurants
  • how to avoid common lifestyle mistakes that sabotage weight-loss efforts
  • support and accountability



Here is a break down of how our challenge works.

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Exercise Image



    Our sessions build strong, toned muscles and torches calories.

    • A typical session may include a variety of gymnastics, sprinting, and powerlifting. These exercises are done with the weight of your own body, kettlebells, and free weights. They’re done hard, fast and with little to no rest in between ‘sets’. The reason behind this is that you challenge your muscles more when you do short bursts. It stimulates them making them more effective than low-intensity workouts. CrossFit is the whole package of speed, balance, and strength.
  • Food Image



    Good Nutrition is key when it comes to achieving your fitness and health goals.

    We help you figure out what to eat and how much to eat to lose excess body fat. And we have  put together some simple resources to help take the guesswork out of healthy meals:

    • a guide to eating for fat loss
    • a complete shopping list
    • simple meal planning template, and
    • a ton of healthy recipes and snack ideas
    • a tip sheet with healthier choices at many chain restaurants and tips to make ordering at restaurants easier
  • Lifestyle Image



    Looking and feeling your best is about more than your weight, and about more than just what you eat and how much you move. It’s also about lifestyle habits. You’ll learn about the common mistakes most of us make that sabotage healthy lifestyle efforts and can actually harm our health–and how to avoid them.

  • Support & Accountability. Image


    Support & Accountability.

    You don’t have to go it alone. Support and accountability are baked right into the Challenge:

    • A simple food/exercise journal to keep track of meals and exercise, sleep, water intake and mood. Study after study shows that people who keep food journals consistently lose more weight (and keep it off) than those who don’t because the data doesn’t lie. Everything you’re doing (or not doing) is right there.
    • A ton of great advice to help you make healthy choices and feel amazing.
    • Answers to your questions, your coach can’t wait to help you.
  • Ready to get started? Image


    Ready to get started?


Still not sure? Have Questions ?

Check out our FAQ's

What will my first time in your gym be like?

Why is your gym more expensive than other gyms?

What’s your drop-in policy?

How often do you recommend I come to the gym?

What exactly is CrossFit?

I’m not in very good shape… can I do CrossFit?

I heard that CrossFitter’s use their own language, can you help me with the terms?

Can I do my own thing during class?

I just relocated/looking for a new gym and I’d like to check you out prior to joining.

Do I need to reserve a spot or contact anyone?


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